Avila Cup Deed Of Gift
The AVILA CUP is a PERPETUAL TROPHY provided by the SAN LUIS YACHT CLUB (SLYC) for its members and held in trust by the Board of Directors of the SLYC. It will be permanently displayed in the SLYC trophy case.
The purpose of this trophy is to recognize excellence in ocean racing skills that SLYC desires to encourage of its members.
This trophy shall never become the property of a single person or crew.
A suitable award shall be presented each year to the winning skipper of the AVILA CUP SERIES.
The year, date, name of winner, and the make/name of the yacht shall be affixed to the base of the trophy.
By the 15th of February each year, the SLYC Board of Directors, after having heard the recommendations of the Race Committee, will approve the Avila Cup Series Schedule and handicapping system that will apply toward the awarding of the Avila Cup Trophy.
The following criteria shall be used in determining the Avila Cup Winner:
- Races shall be run under the rules of the ISAF, US SAILING, SLYC, and as outlined in the Avila Cup Sailing Instructions.
- The Low Point Scoring System of Appendix A of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) will apply. There will be no throw-outs in regatta or series scoring (this amends Appendix A2). Appendix A9 will be used when scoring both regattas and series when multiple races are completed.
- The recipient will be the Avila Cup Series winner using a handicap rating system that the SLYC Race Committee and Board of Directors concur in as the most appropriate for the series.
- Crewing Requirements:
- The skipper must be a member of SLYC or be on the SLYC waiting list.
Any matter not covered hereunder and any questions arising under any provisions of this DEED shall be determined by the SLYC Board of Directors without right of appeal.
Changes or amendments to this DEED require a positive vote by two-thirds of
the eligible voting members of the SLYC Board of Directors.
Issued: ?
Revised: April 26, 2006
Approved by BOD May 4, 2006